Anxiety: A Springboard to God’s Redeeming Grace and Joy (Part 1 of 4)
“When anxiety was great within me, Your consolation (comfort) brought joy to my soul.” Psalm 94:19
Have you ever thought about the connection between anxiety and joy? There is a real struggle and tension between anxiety and our fight for joy. Can we actually move from anxiousness, worry, and fear to joyfulness, comfort, and peace? God’s Word surprisingly connects the dots between these two, showing us how to process from an anxious heart to fullness of joy.
At first glance, these two emotions may seem mutually exclusive. However, as we look more intently through the filter of God’s Truth, He shows us a different perspective. According to God’s Word, anxiety, if we process through it His way, can actually be a springboard to joy.
The temptation, however, is to process through without trusting in the Lord and depending upon Him for His strength.
As our anxious thoughts and worries come upon us, as they often do in everyday life, they can serve as a reminder encouraging us to run to Jesus for His comfort and joy. As we humble ourselves amidst our anxiousness and come to Jesus in prayer and in Truth, He reveals Himself to us as our Comforter. “Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty Hand, that He may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you” (1 Peter 5:6-7).
Amidst my own moments of anxiety, I have seen firsthand how the Lord graciously used my anxious thoughts to drive me into His Presence to receive His comfort and genuine joy. When my heart is anxious within me, this is my gentle reminder to lean into Jesus. As I do, His redeeming grace brings me to a place of humility and joy. The humility comes as I relinquish control to dependence upon Him.
So often, we want to wish away the uneasiness and restlessness of our anxiety. What if we looked at anxiety differently? What if we use anxiety as a means to experience God’s grace and mercy in our time of need?
When anxiety comes, as it often does, instead of hoping it away, what if we embrace the anxiety and take it straight to Jesus, confessing it and letting Him remove it, in His timing and in His way. Usually, we attempt to deal with anxiety in our own strength and through our own ways—covering it up, discounting it, neglecting it, and brushing it away. We seek a natural path of deliverance, instead of finding our true hope in Him.
However, God’s Word encourages us to learn how to process through it—confessing our anxiousness, repenting of our unbelief, and surrendering our control. Through this process, God, through His Spirit, divinely moves the trajectory of our spirit from anxiety and worry to comfort, thankfulness, and even joy, namely Christ’s comfort and His joy. Christ transforms every inclination of our hearts and minds from fear to freedom in His Presence. There is joy in His presence. “In Your Presence is fullness of joy” (Psalm 16:11).
God’s Word encourages us to intentionally set our hearts on things above (Colossians 3:1), set our minds on things above (Colossians 3:2), fix our thoughts on Jesus (Hebrews 3:1), and fix our eyes on Jesus (Hebrews 12:2). We are called to “take every thought captive and make it obey Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5). As we think on who God is, who we are in Christ, and filter every thought through His Word and promises, God renews our minds and keeps our hearts encouraged as we trust in Him.
As the anxiety comes upon your hearts and minds, may you recognize it, call it what it is, and let it drive you to Jesus. Instead of giving in to its paralyzing fears and doubts, humble yourself before Jesus, giving Him your honest cares, concerns, and anxious thoughts.
This act of obedience—humbly coming to and calling upon Him for His help—demonstrates your dependence upon Him alone. When you look to Him and acknowledge your need for the Lord, relinquishing control, and admitting your need for His help, it is then, and only then, that you can experience peace in moments of anxiousness.
Then, see how He meets you in the middle of your anxiousness—comforting and calming your heart with His presence and His peace, in a way only He can. The final result is fullness of joy. Even though your circumstances may not have changed, your heart becomes lighter, encouraged, and even relieved. The light of God’s Word and Truth breaks through the barrier of anxiety bringing you into a spacious place of joy.
As you see firsthand, how the Lord so personally meets your need, comes to your rescue, and comforts you in a way like no other person or thing can, your cares and worries diminish, and your anxious heart melts in His Presence—confidently and personally knowing Jesus as your Comforter, your Deliverer, and your Peace. Peace is not a feeling, but instead a Person, namely Jesus. “For He Himself is our Peace.” Ephesians 2:14
I love this connection between anxiety and joy in God’s Word. Although we would never consider anxiety a ‘good’ thing or something we would ever desire, choosing to let your anxiety, when it comes, drive you to the heart of Christ is always a wise and beneficial choice, where His comfort and joy is just waiting to be found.
As we choose to obey and trust Him, I love seeing how the Lord can turn the inevitable onset of anxiety, which we all face in various seasons, into a beautiful moment of knowing Him more fully and more deeply. God’s redeeming grace never leaves us in our anxiety, but instead leads us to the joy and comfort found only in Christ.
Even though feelings of anxiousness come upon us all, be resolved to not give in to the temptation of worry and anxiety, but instead learn to process through it. Fix your eyes on Jesus and cling to His Promises. Let anxiety be a tool of God’s grace and mercy propelling you toward knowing Jesus more fully. When anxiety attacks, humbly run to the grace found in Christ.
Do you long to know Jesus as your Comforter today? Let me assure you that you are not alone in feeling alone in your struggle with anxiety. For me, my hope—whatever the season with its accompanying anxieties—is the very Presence of Jesus with me and His strength and joy within me. We all know someone in need of a word of encouragement who struggles with an anxious heart. Encourage a friend or a sister in need of this Truth today.
“Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up.” Proverbs 12:25 NIV
Reflection and Application:
- Take an honest assessment of your own heart and ask yourself these questions:
- How’s your heart, truly?
- In what way do you need to know God in this moment?
- How can knowing Jesus as your Comforter restore your joy?
- Have you ever made the connection between your anxiety and joy?
- How does God’s Word encourage you to process through your anxiousness?
- How has your anxiety exposed your need for Jesus?
- Have you ever considered anxiety to be a tool of grace used as a means of drawing you to Christ and the true hope found in Him?
- Acknowledge your feelings, and most importantly, line them up with God’s Word and His Truth.
- Do not let your feelings lead you. Let your faith and what you know to be true about God, His character, and His Word lead you in humble submission through the process of moving from anxiety to joy.
- When you get to the other side of your anxiety, which you will, remember God’s faithfulness to you.
- Look back at how far you have come, how much you have learned, and how the Lord has carried you every step of the process.
- Thank Him for His faithfulness to you, and then, reach back to help others along their journey with what you have learned and encourage and comfort them in their difficult moments of anxiety.
The seasons of anxiety that seem hopeless may be an unexpected expression of God’s grace drawing you to Himself and the true hope found in Him.
photo credits: wesliewoodleyphoto.com
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