Anxiety: Battling for our Faith, Bringing Glory to God (Part 4 of 4)
And the God of all grace… will Himself restore you and make you strong, firm, and steadfast” (1 Peter 5:10).
In my last posts of this series, Anxiety: A Springboard for God’s Redeeming Grace and Joy; Anxiety: Getting to the Root, A Biblical Perspective; and Anxiety: The Key to Unlocking Anxiety—God’s Precious Promises, we looked at the ‘what’ of anxiety—the connection between anxiety and joy—and the ‘why’ of anxiety—the root, unbelief, and lastly learned the ‘how’ of unlocking anxiety through using the ‘key’ of God’s Promises. As we put the finishing touches on this series, we hope to see how anxiety—a battle for our faith—can actually be used as a means to bring us to the glory of God.
Realign our Thoughts to God’s Truth
In order to know God’s promises and see with eyes of faith in times of anxiety, we must realign our thoughts to God’s Truth. At times, we can all ‘feel’ anxious, but choosing to be anxious is not our only option. We can, however, intentionally choose, instead, to set our minds on God’s Promises and set our thoughts on “whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy” (Philippians 4:8).
We need to realign our thoughts with Philippians 4:8 and carefully and intentionally choose what we think on! Although random thoughts may attempt to bombard our minds, we can choose whether we will think on these thoughts or ‘redirect’ our thoughts on other things, such as the attributes encouraged in Philippians 4:8. We do not have to stay in a place of anxiousness when our feelings try to lead us there.
However, as I shared previously, we cannot align our thoughts with His Word if we do not know God’s Word and Truth. Similarly, we will not trust the Giver of these Promises if we do not personally know the One who is speaking Truth to our hearts and minds in His Word. Therefore, making time for our relationship with Jesus—getting to know Him—and spending time in His Word is essential each day.
Encourage your Heart with God’s Promises
Personally, in times of anxiousness, I have found hope in God’s Promises to me. When I am faced with a situation or circumstance that brings anxiousness to my heart and mind, I pray to Jesus as I search God’s Word asking Him for a promise of encouragement that speaks specifically to what I am facing at that moment. The Lord is always so faithful to give me a word of encouragement that speaks directly to my heart, lifting my spirits in genuine hope and joy, even before the anxious fog rolls away.
I would also encourage you to find hope in God’s Promises as you pray and ask the Lord to give you a verse of promise, specific to your circumstances, which will encourage your heart and refocus your thoughts on His Truth. We must allow God’s Promises and His Word to speak Truth to our anxious feelings, fears, and concerns. As we dig in the Scriptures to see what He did for His children in the past, our hearts will be encouraged as we see how He will so faithfully fulfill His promises to us in our present.
What promise do you need today to speak to your anxious heart?
The Bible is overflowing with encouragement waiting to be found and believed. His promises are always available to us. Search His Word and feed on His faithfulness to you.
“Trust in the Lord, and do good; dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness. Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart” (Psalm 37:3-4).
When you allow the power of God’s Word to speak to the anxiety of your heart, peace in the Person of Jesus calms your spirit. Just as He spoke to the wind and waves, Jesus—through His Word—speaks to your heart in your present circumstances, “Be still.”
Remember the Goodness and Grace of God
In our moments of anxiousness, we must remember to repent of doubting the goodness and grace of God. In those wavering moments, we fail to acknowledge His Authority and Sovereignty ruling over our everyday circumstances.
This unbelief separates us from the close sense of God’s Presence and Peace—not the actual Presence of Himself, but the ‘feeling’ of His Presence and Peace. Because He is ever-present, He is always with us, even when we doubt His Presence in our anxiousness. When we are faithless, He is still faithful. “If we are faithless, He will remain faithful, for He cannot disown Himself” (2 Timothy 2:13).
This promise is essential to us. We must anchor our hearts to this truth. Even when we are faithless, amidst our doubts, fears, unbelief, anxiousness—He is still faithful. He is the One who keeps us. Even when our grip seems to be slipping and we are tempted to let go of our frayed hope, He still has His grip on us, holding us forever secure.
What a glorious promise to cling to in our moments of anxiousness. He cannot and will not let go of us. No one can pluck us out of His nail-scarred Hand. “I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of My Hand” (John 10:28). “I am my Beloved’s and my Beloved is mine” (Song of Solomon 6:3). His resurrection power conquers all and secures His grip on us, His children. “By His wounds, you have been healed” (1 Peter 2:24). Jesus nailed our sin, suffering, and afflictions, including all of our anxieties and fears, to the cross. Jesus ultimately conquered our anxiety on the cross.
Jesus, our Redeemer, Secured God’s Promises
Because our Redeemer—Jesus—lives, His Promises to us are true.
“I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end He will stand upon the earth” (Job 19:25).
To make this personal to you, take a specific care or concern you presently have and prayerfully apply the Truth of one of His promises which speaks directly to you and your situation. Personalize the verse even further with your name and the specific details of your circumstances as you humbly pray in faith for God’s wisdom, discernment, peace, and grace as you patiently wait in expectation for His answer to you.
You in and of yourself cannot overcome this anxiety. Only a Redeemer, who lived a perfect life of obedience, conquered sin and death, and rose from death, namely Jesus, can make all things new and rescue us from our anxiousness.
Our hope amidst anxiety is only Jesus.
Let Faith, not your Feelings, Lead You
So why do we often feel anxious? In these moments of momentary unbelief where we forget God’s Promises to us, we will experience a ‘feeling’ of anxiousness, representing a ‘feeling of separation’ from the Peace and Presence of God. However, this ‘feeling’ is a false indicator of ‘being alone’ because Jesus is always with us, and we are never ever alone. In that moment, Jesus is with us, despite what we may feel, just waiting for us to call out to Him in faith, believing His promise and Word of Truth.
Personally, I equate that ‘feeling of anxiety’ to a distance between me and the very Presence and Peace of Jesus. Although He has not moved and is always ever-present, I choose in that moment to forget His powerful Presence with me and His unfailing Promises to me.
This feeling of anxiousness and anxiety shadows a ‘taste’ of life without the Presence of God. This separation from God’s Presence is something that we, as believers, never have to experience in Christ.
Anxiety whispers in doubt, ‘Are you truly with me, Lord Jesus?’
Jesus in His Promises whispers back , “Surely, I am with you always” (Matthew 28:20). God with us—Immanuel, Jesus in the flesh. Jesus assures our hearts, “I will never leave you, I will never forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5).
Anxiety clamors for our ‘attention’ and, if we are not careful, can become a comfortable idol that we allow to settle into our hearts and minds. As anxiety grasps for our affection, we must turn our eyes of faith, instead, to our precious Jesus, our Redeemer who has conquered both death and sin, including anxiety.
However, when we willingly stay in unbelief instead of clinging to God’s Promises of assurance, anxiety becomes a chosen, self-imposed isolation from the comfort of God’s Presence and peace.
The Way of Escape when Anxiety Strikes
When anxiety strikes and the enemy targets our relationship with God and others, what is our way of escape?
We have two choices when anxiety strikes:
We can stay stuck right where we are in a pit of fear, worry, anxiety, unbelief, unrepentance, doubt, and loneliness, or we can recognize the anxiety as a ‘red flag,’ prompting us to humbly run to Jesus for His deliverance.
“Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you. And the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will Himself restore you and make you strong, firm, and steadfast” (1 Peter 5:6-7,10).
God Himself will restore you, making you strong, firm, and steadfast.
The way of escape out of anxiety is:
- Humbly surrender your heart and mind to Jesus, casting all your anxiety on Him.
- Repent of any unbelief and pride–not wholeheartedly believing God.
- Trust and believe in God’s great and precious promises graciously given to you.
- The Result: God Himself will lift you up and deliver you out of anxiety. He will faithfully restore you, making you strong, firm, and steadfast.
A refreshed spirit and deliverance from anxiety comes in the knowing of God through the person of Jesus Christ and trusting in His promises.
When, by His Spirit, we choose to trust and believe in God’s Promises, we can be rescued by His grace and move into His genuine joy.
Use your Anxiety for His Glory
Our world becomes ‘too small’ when we let anxiety rule us! We forget that our every moment, every thought, and every purpose is for the glory of God. We lose sight of the sovereignty of God and forget the Truth that He is ruling and reigning over every detail of our lives, including the ‘trivial and critical’ details of our lives.
How can we glorify God in and amidst our anxiety? We can turn our moments of anxiousness into times of humble dependence upon God. We can recognize our need for Him and the help of His Holy Spirit within us. We can trust and believe His promises to us, and in turn, God is glorified. God is glorified when we believe and trust in Him.
In those moments, we turn from trusting in ourselves, others, and our own attempts of deliverance to what only God in His amazing grace can do. We were created by Him and for Him. During our times of anxiety, we are called to bring Him glory by believing Him for what only He can do. We need to learn to use anxiety to our advantage—to grow and strengthen our faith. These times of anxiousness are not meant to ‘break us,’ but to ‘mold us and shape us’ into His image, bringing us into a deeper closeness and intimacy with God as we see how He graciously meets us in the middle, holds us in His care, and faithfully brings us to the other side, His joy.
Anxiety is a ‘battle for our faith.’ We must learn to fight courageously and fearlessly for our faith. When anxiety sets in your heart, let it be a ‘battle cry’ reminder to run to Who and what you know to be true, your faithful God and His unfailing promises to you.
Reflection and Application:
- As you choose to realign your thoughts with the attributes in Philippians 4:8, in what ways has this perspective from God’s Word helped to alleviate your anxiousness?
- What specific promise from God’s Word do you need today to speak to your anxious heart?
- How does knowing the Truth that even when we are tempted to let go of our frayed hope that Jesus’ grip holds us forever secure comfort your heart?
- How can you plan a way of escape up and out of your moments of anxiety according to the Truth shared in 1 Peter 5:6-7,10.
- How can you glorify God in and amidst your moments of anxiety?
- In what specific ways can you battle courageously and fearlessly for your faith amidst your anxiety?
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing” (Romans 15:13).
photo credits: wesliewoodleyphoto.com
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