Confetti 2021 with Joy and Grace
“She who refreshes others will herself be refreshed.” Proverbs 11:25
“Encourage one another and build each other up.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11
LET’S CONFETTI 2021 with Joy and Grace! My prayer and goal for 2021 is to see how much love, joy, hope, and encouragement we can share with others in this promising new season. How much love, joy, and encouragement can you personally share in 2021?
For those who know my heart, joy and encouragement is my true passion. Sharing with others about God’s Promises, His Word, and encouraging others in their faith brings so much joy to my heart. So, my theme for 2021 is Confetti!
Confetti is a joy-filled, whimsical word—happy hues of vibrant colors, pops of bright spots and sparkles, bursting with promise of hope and possibilities. You smile just hearing that word. Confetti is a happy word!
Confetti shines with bright personality and surprises. Confetti pops with excitement, festivity, and fun. Confetti brightens our moments with hope, love, and celebration. Confetti highlights our days with spontaneity, intentionality, and purpose.
Just as confetti comes in all shapes, sizes, and a variety of styles and textures, so also glimpses of God’s grace continually sprinkle into the fabric of our lives every single day.
As I look back, reflect upon, and wrap up this past season, the consistent bright spot of joy and hope woven within these very uncertain times has been and is the very faithfulness, goodness, and grace of God. “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness” (Lamentations 3:23).
2020 truly is a reflection of God’s past faithfulness, goodness, and grace. With each new moment, God faithfully and graciously showers our lives with His love, His Presence, and His unfailing Promises.
Our God of all hope and encouragement gifts us with the opportunity and ability to confetti the lives of others with this same joy and grace that we have received. He encourages us to sprinkle glimpses of His grace and glory for others to enjoy and, ultimately, be pointed to Him.
He gifts us with His joy and grace so that we, in turn, can gift others with joy and grace.
I love the thought of Jesus throwing confetti too! He, in a metaphorical sense, did indeed, throw confetti of a different kind—joy-shaped confetti, sprinkles of grace, circles of love, and flutters of forgiveness to everyone. Jesus spread irresistible joy and grace everywhere.
He humbly extended grace to and impacted each person he met. Jesus shared a beautiful example of how to love on, encourage, and give hope to others. May Christ’s love within us compel us to give that same heartfelt joy and grace to others as well. “My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full” (John 15:11).
God sprinkles His confetti every day in our lives in both simple and profound ways. There is evidence of His confetti and lavish love all around us. God’s attributes, His character, and His promises are clearly seen, and His mercies are new every morning. We just have to look out and look up to see it. “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible attributes—His eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what had been made, so that men are without excuse” (Romans 1:20).
My hopeful and expectant prayer is that we share as much joy and grace as possible to those we love in this promising year of new mercies.
Like little pieces of confetti, all the small, sweet blessings we intentionally and purposefully share become the things that truly matter, making an impact, lasting impression, and profound difference in the lives of others.
You will never know how far and wide your confetti will scatter and how many hearts you may encourage.
We all need encouragement in every season of life. Not only do we need encouragers in our lives, but we are also called to be encouragers to others. God’s Word shares that we are to “Encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today” (Hebrews 3:13).
How can you brighten someone’s day with joy and grace? This year, let’s confetti someone’s day every day. The Lord has gifted us with Today. So let’s use the time we have been given to His glory. The importance of encouraging others around us is essential. “May you and I be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith” (Romans 1:11-12).
Will you Join me in my theme of Confetti this year? Confetti Someone’s Day with Joy and Grace!
Celebrating God’s Gift of a promising New Year sprinkled with expectant hope, true joy, abundant grace, and sweet blessings.
“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” Romans 12:12
💌Join in and Follow with me @confettibydk #confettibydk 🥳
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